vol.26 Claesson Koivisto Rune

Claesson Koivisto Rune

1995 スウェーデンストックホルム芸術工芸デザイン大学で学んだ後、Mårten Claesson、Eero Koivisto、Ola Runeの3人でClaesson Koivisto Runeを設立。
2004 スウェーデンの建築家として初めてベニスビエンナーレに出展


スウェーデンのデザイナーClaesson Koivisto Runeにインタビューをしてきました。

聞き手:坂根みなほ(g86)、田邊 都(Claesson Koibisto Runeにてインターン

「Claesson Koivisto Runeのスタイル」
坂根|まずお聞きしたいのは、Claesson Koivisto Runeの働くスタイルについてです。コンストファック(スウェーデン国立芸術工芸デザイン大学)の学生時代に3人が集まってClaesson Koivisto Runeを始めたのですね。グループで活動することについてどう思われますか?なにか方法論はありますか?

 だから私たちがディプロマの”Villa Wabi”をSergelstorgetで行ったときはすでにこの会社があったのです。あれは1994年のことでしたが、この年は大変な不景気で知られています。50%の失業率で新卒はほとんど職を得ることが出来ませんでした。しかし私たちにはこの会社があったので、つまりやってきたことを続けたのです。そして問題は私たちには経験が無かったことです。建築のプロジェクトをどう行ったらいいのか。自分たちのやり方を見つけなくてはならない。私たちが今日やっていることは、そうして独自に考えたものです。

Villa Wabi(Stockholm,1994)






 十年前、私たちはカッペリーニ社のためにPEBBLESという家具を作りました。これは新しいカテゴリーで、というのもソファでも椅子でもテーブルでもなく、seating island(座る島)といわれています。これは新しいタイポロジーのようなものでした。座れる平らな面の少し上により小さな面がのっていて、これが肘掛けのような、サイドテーブルのような、したいようになんでもなりうる。そしてこの二つの面はどちらも不規則な形なので角度を変えることもできる。つまりこの上で何でも出来てしまうのです。


坂根|なるほど、実際私はDODO(Claesson Koivisto Runeのプロダクツのひとつ)がすごく好きです!




Art gallery

坂根|最後に、これからのClaesson Koivisto Runeの展望をお聞かせください。

インタビュー風景(Claesson Koivisto Rune Office in Stockholm)

(following in English)

"The style of Claesson Koivisto Rune"
Sakane: Firstly, I want to ask about the working style of Claesson Koivisto Rune. You started your work when you were student in Konstfack, and three students started together.
What do you think about work in a group, do you have any methods?
Mårten: I didn’t have an ambition to start to do in any group, in fact I didn’t know what to do. But it just happened like many things in a life.
We are of course different personalities. And I’m sure your friend Miyako can tell you about it but we don’t really have fixed role in this relationship. So people who come to us do get a little confuse, because they are not certain about who is the boss. And the matter is there is no one who is the boss. We are all the boss together and we have tried as much as possible to include the staffs in this, I mean the other people except the three of us, in this mentality. I think it is the most positive ground for creativity, to try to do away with hierarchy. Because hierarchy works very well in the military. But in creativity this is actually negative. Anyone with a good idea should feel encourage to bring up to all. if the idea is good, it will prevail regardless of who came up with the idea from the beginning. At the same time I mean anyone can criticize anything here.

Sakane: Okay, and your first project was your diploma work in Konstfack?
Mårten: No, well actually, it wasn’t really the first project. We put it couple of competitions, student competitions that we won, and this is how we started to make competitions together and then by the 3rd year we actually got a commission from a very large corporation in Swedish forest owner and paper manufacture.
And it was to design their sales offices through out Europe. And we were in only 3years in our school so we didn’t have any really experience, but we got this commission, and we ended up design their office in Barcelona which was the first one, and Vienna, London, Copenhagen and Stockholm in one year also. And they told us this is the measure corporation, one of the world largest owner of forest, so they said to us, “You have to register company because we can not deal with this otherwise”, so we registered a company together while we were already at school.
So when we graduated and we did this degree work which was the “Villa Wabi” on Sergelstorget we already had this company. And this was in 1994 and this is very similar to today, it was very very bad recession. It actually was for architects. There was 50 percent of unemployment rate. So newly graduated you have absolutely no chance of jobs. And we didn’t even try, but we have this company. So, you know, continue doing what we have been doing. The thing that matter was we have no experience, in architecture how to deal projects. You have to find your own methods. We have created our own way of working I think, which is what we do today.

"Product design
Sakane: You also have many product projects, and your school, I think Konstfack also has a good education for products. What do you think about your background from Konstfack?
Mårten: Well, I think I always aim to be an architect from the beginning, so for me Konstfack was the type of education, just a sort of architecture education that includes product design specifically furniture design. And I think, to be quite honest, the education was not fantastic. The level of the professors were not good.
You can create your own education which is fantastic if you belong to the students that were very ambitious. There was a lot of workshops and there were not too many students, so we worked all the nights. That was fantastic about Konstfack. And in that school we did about over hundred interiors in just a few years, extremely amount of projects. From that I think we got good sense of spaciality that is related to the human being.
And the product design, to us it is always a part of architecture, and if you look back in history specially in the Scandinavian, most of the products of furniture were designed by architects. So we are just following this tradition in a sense. If you look the Scandinavian examples you have of course Alva Aalto, Jacobsen , Bruno mathsson. For us, furniture is architecture. And when we talk to people in industrial design, quite often they tell us just like our furniture design is, you can sort of sense that it is made with the architecture in mind, that it is related to architecture, it fits inside of an architecture.
So I think our product design is very architectural, rather than other way around.

"Possicility of prefabricated house"
Sakane: I think to design container and contents together like you do makes you really active. And you also have prefabricated house project which seems like house as a product.
Mårten:Yes, you are right. Although I think, perhaps I already said, for me, product or furniture design is architecture. So Houses and furniture are architecture. They are just a little bit different scale. Also there are some differences in a market and people that are involved to it are different.
It is true that we kind of lack the relationship with the site, if you have a prefabricated house. But the rest is purely architecture, I think it is the same decisions about spaciality, material and what else you have, I don’t find it very different. I find we also lose the kind of client relationship. But when we do the house, we have the client relationship with the manufacture. And then when it is repeated, of course we more or less cut off the process.
. But I have to say you know, as one of my professor said, “Look at architecture, we make a hundred drawings perhaps for a house. And it is the equivalent of making highly-advanced technical mass produced object the amount of information that you have to prepare. We do it to produce a one piece.” So, in that sense I think why not try to repeat this project. This is very kind of creativity, energy, time-consuming process architecture. And maybe you could find a way, if you found some quality in it, some essence, I think it is interesting to repeat it. Not as a general idea for an architecture but you could also include this, I think.

"Tokyo, Stockholm"
Sakane: I heard about that you are going to do some house projects in Tokyo. What do you think about building a house in Tokyo?
Mårten: Well, I think it is basically the same. You have different parameters but you always do. Each project that you deal with, you have new parameters to deal with. It could be the economical parameter or it could be the client parameter or it could be the site parameter and the cultural parameter….I know because I have traveled a lot to Japan and I can deal with this if I understand it.
In Tokyo, maybe try to introduce a slight sense of importance of the exterior relationship to the surrounding, even if you want to maximize the place that you can take in the air, you want to maximize the use, I think it could be possible to try to do that in a poetic way. So that the building has some sort of poetry relationship to the things around.

Sakane: I think Stockholm is really conservative and it is hard to build a new building here, compared to Tokyo. What do you think about Stockholm?
Mårten: I read about the average age of the building in Tokyo is ten years or so. That is amazing. The average age of the building here is probably two hundred years. And I think that has to do with economical situation at land which is so much more worth than the building on it. But it is also about culture. I think age itself is a quality, which is strange if you think about it. But that is also what makes European cities very conservative. But cities are different, I mean Stockholm is beautiful and even I think it is important to preserve. It is very hard to be an architect in Stockholm and basically have to find your work outside Stockholm but I think Malmö or Göteborg are much less conservative already and they are also Swedish cities. So Stockholm will probably change also.
But in this office we have opportunity to work around the whole world so I’m not really depend on the situation of Stockholm. We can work anywhere.

"New Typology"
Sakane: Then, I want ask some about your products. I found some of them are designed to let people act differently from the ordinary way. For instance, something like chair but it also can be table…
Mårten: Well, I guess we want to develop. I think that is probably the driving force. The ambition is to find new things. And design has come to a point that it is not very hard to design something new within a known sector or typology, so what you can work with this is to try to change the typology and try to find a new typology.
Ten years ago we did a piece of furniture called PEBBLES for Cappellini which was a new category because it was not a sofa and it was not a chair and not a table, it was you know, later labeled a seating island. And that was kind of a new typology. There is a one flat surface which you sit on it and second smaller flat surface slightly above which is kind of a armrest or a side table or whatever you want it to be. And you can also rotate it because these shapes are irregular both these flat shape. So you can do anything on it.
Sakane: Yeah, and actually I really like DODO!! (one of the products of Claesson Koivisto Rune)
Mårten: Yes, DODO is the same thing. We were asked by our friend in Tokyo to design something for him. That was fantastic that you could be offered by a traditional Japanese restaurant and if you found they have seat without backrest but still on the floor, but this is something that is impossible in marketing in Europe. I mean people love it but there is no market because we don’t sit on the floor, basically. So we took the typical category of western office chair which is work chair, and we combined these things too. So Its revealing like an office chair so you can rotate it. And you also have the additional little table depending on how you sit on it and you can put your laptop or book or paper something like that. And it was a completely new concept for both Japan and Europe at the same time. One of the clients, the game section in Sony bought it for the main office in Tokyo. I don’t know if they changed the interior since then but they bought a large number of them for their staffs, which was fantasitic you know, it was not just one piece for a show or something but it was suitable for their work philosophy.
Sakane: And of course what was interesting about that furniture is when many DODO are gathered, it looks like real bird flock.
Mårten: You know what the dodo is!
Sakane: Of course. We can find a story around the furniture and it makes the space special.
Mårten: Yeah.

"Architecture and product"
Tanabe: While I was working here, I always thinking about the shape, because you change the shape of architecture slightly like handling the object. What do you think about the difference of the shape between architecture and product?
Mårten: Okay, I think there is a difference, I think scale is extremely important.
For example Asahi building in Tokyo is absolutely object and it is not an architecture I think this is the typical example of designer not understanding an architecture. And you can see the other way around also. I’m a fantastic fan of Frank Lloyd Wright for instance. His architecture is fantastic. He also did a lot of furniture designs which I don’t find at all it fantastic. Because they are too complex for the piece of furniture. So that was an example of an architect not understanding the differences in scale between architecture and design. I think it is very important and probably you can only learn this from experience. And architecture is more spatially complex, and it is also complex in any other way, in economy around the project, in a relationship with clients, builders etc. And you also have a building regulations, energy regulations you have everything affect this project.
But on the other hand Mies van der Rohe said “Its more difficult to make good chair than the skyscraper.” So it is also very difficult, maybe because you have such a limited space to create chair. And chair needs certain seat height and armrest needs to be certain height and it has to have stability that normally you need four legs etc. House is much more open, you know. So there are differences but conceptually and also in a relationship with spatiality It is definitely the same art form, I would say.

"Art gallery"
Tanabe: You make many models changing slightly. How do you decide those shapes?
Mårten: You mean specifically the house projects? That is site-specific thing. I guess also we have been kind of working on the number of project with folding and angular themes, straight things that are folded somewhere or something like that. But we kind of perhaps got a little bit fed up with that and we wanted to try another direction so that we didn’t feel ourselves that we are kind of repeating ourselves.
So we did an art gallery, the project which is this kind of box which has underside concave roof. And the herbage that are growing there were about maybe one meter high that are normally cut down and people build up something new. These kind of farm fields are almost like a oceans. They have horizon and you have long view, it is not a surface but it appears like a surface. So We came up with the idea we wanted to have the sensation of being inside the art gallery and somewhere you have the outlooks, that you are walking the top of the field. So we wanted to elevate the floor to the same level. We had to build up the foundation like a hill .and that hill became round shape. So instead of making a new horizon line on the house we let kind of footprint of the house follow the hill to create very specific shape. And then to balance that, we did the opposite thing with the roof. And then we distorted it because the house is not square. This gallery has four basic rooms, for exhibitions that have different sizes. And each elevation, each wall we have an opening one is the entrance door and the others are windows. We connected those slightly diagonal course inside that creates, it was not 90 degrees but its likely off, which is hard to see when you were there it is just something that slightly which adds kind of tension quality to the space.

"Vision of Claesson Koivisto Rune"
Sakane: Lastly, what do you think about Claesson Koivisto Rune in the future?
Mårten: Well, what can I say, Im quite sure that we will continue until we die. And we hopefully continue to develop, or we need to develop. If we don’t develop it is not keep going. So hopefully I think we do what we do better.
Sakane: Thank you very much!

(all images from Claesson Koivisto Rune)